Monday, December 28, 2009

Julie & Julia & Matt

Have you ever watched a movie simply because someone you love wants to watch it? Such was the case with the movie Julie & Julia. Now, I'm not too macho to totally shun "chick flicks", but a movie about Julia Child, the well known TV cook from past decades, and a Julia Child wannabe named Julie did not interest me at all. (Despite the fact that Amy Adams, the cute redhead from the movie Enchanted, played the latter part.) But, my wife wanted to watch it, so......

Funny how things turn out. The movie ended up focusing on two writers who had deep desires to get their books published. Now, that's a topic that interests me. You see, about 5 years ago I finished writing the first rough draft of a book titled "Don't Honk If You Love Jesus", with a subtitle...How to be a Christian, even in rush-hour traffic. I have been blessed with positive feedback from experts about the book, and have even given copies to very influential people within Evangelical Christian circles. Yet, I've had no one go to bat for me regarding getting the book published.

So, I've set it aside, wondering what to do in the meantime. In the movie, Julie Powell had written a book, but had no success getting it published. She was a huge Julia Child fan and decided to cook every recipe (over 500) from one of Julia's books within one year. She chronicled her efforts by writing a blog. Long story short, her blog eventually provided her with the attention she needed to get her book published (and eventually made into a movie starring the lovely Amy Adams).

Last year at SCCC's Men's Retreat, I made a promise to God never to try and promote myself in any effort. My reasoning was that if God wanted to promote me in any way, He could get it done without my efforts. Many people are promoted to platforms they are not mature enough to handle. I figure God knows when I can handle any type of platform, and the surest way for me to know if I can handle one or not is to wait until He promotes me. That's better than me breaking down a door leading to a platform on my own.

My takeaway from the movie is to just write, chiefly in this blog. I should write because I love to write, not because I want to have a product with my name on it. So, I will write knowing there's the possibility that only two people will read this. (Remember, I will not promote myself so I can't tell anyone I've written a blog.) Well, God, I hope you and I enjoy this cause we may be the only ones reading it. If it pleases You, brings a smile to Your face, then it's worth it. (Lord, please pardon the poor grammar. But, hey, that's the way You made me.)

Peace out!!!


PS. Did I mention the cute redhead, Amy Adams played the part of Julie in the movie?

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

My 1st Blog!

Wow! This is my very first blog...ever! What a monumental occasion. I'm sure that lives are going to change. Well, at the very least the life of the spider I just squished changed.

So, what to write about. Since this is my very first blog, it needs to be about a universal topic that everyone can relate to. I don't want to lose readers on my first blog.

Hmm! There is so much to write about. In fact, I've been jotting down topics I want to address in my blogs. There's so much to choose from.

Of course, one of the most important aspects of a blog is to keep it short and concise so readers will stay interested without making a huge time commitment. So, I need to keep this short.

I could write about John Mayer's new song, "Who Says" in which he wonders what's wrong with getting stoned in your own house, and having brief, lustful encounters with nameless girls. (Maybe he doesn't remember their names because he's stoned all the time.)

Or, I could write about the sacrificial, selfless love Jon and Kate Gosselin exhibit towards their 8 young children. (I'm praying that I become a wonderful parent, just like them. And, I'm praying to be delivered from sarcasm also.)

And, what's up with the "new" Jay Leno show? I watched it the first night it was on prime time television, expecting a variety show or something. Same show, new time was all I got. I still don't get it.

Politics. Now there's a subject everyone's talking about. Conservatives versus liberals. Republicans versus democrats. Kanye West versus anyone with a microphone. I could go on an on.

How about some of these theories of mine?
  • How I learned to be secure in my insecurities
  • How imperfect leaders lead imperfectly...and we should still follow them
  • It is better to have hurt feelings and a healthy soul than to have healthy feelings and a hurt soul
  • What if God created marriage to make us holy more than to make us happy? (I'm borrowing this from Gary Thomas)
  • How we need to hear "you can do it" more than "way to go, you did it!"
Ok! I've got it! I know what I'm going to write about. I'm going to write about how to be decisive.

Dangit! I'm out of space and time.

Until next time, remember, you have a voice. Let it be heard!

Your friend,
